With all the seemingly endless bad news in the world, I thought it may be a nice turn of events to write a positive letter to my fellow Mainers.

My wife and I returned to Maine, after 20 years away, this past April. Since then, we’ve been reminded how truly special Maine is. We’re in our early 40’s and we do not have children. So meeting people, especially in a pandemic, is not exactly easy. Yet at every turn, we’ve met some of the most welcoming and kind people in the world. There is a continual stream of offers to help us and introduce us to more people and places.

In one short year, we’ve met people we consider close friends and ones that feel like we’ve known each other our entire lives. Even our interactions with those we don’t know – at a pub, restaurant or in the parks – have been equally pleasant. Kindness is something Mainers have in spades.

We all have our differences and our opinions. We will not always agree. When we sit back and reflect, Mainers have a lot to be proud of. The grace and kindness bestowed to us has meant a lot during these times. The news out there is scary and all too real. COVID has been tragic, frustrating and annoying. But, you “Princes of Maine, You Kings of New England,” have shown us the welcome mat and The Way Life Should Be. We are forever grateful and we will gladly return the favor.

Mike Zwirko

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