As another winter fades and traffic begins to rise, the state of our country’s infrastructure will soon rear its ugly head once again. However, this time we can look to the future with optimism, thanks to the passage of the infrastructure package Sen. Collins helped negotiate in Washington.

A truly bipartisan effort, this legislation will represent the most significant investment made in our country’s infrastructure in my lifetime. Anyone who has spent meaningful time in our state is no stranger to dodging potholes and waiting on slow internet connections. This historical achievement will make Mainers safer and more prosperous. It also creates hundreds of great paying jobs for Mainers.

After months of other highly contentious debates in Washington, it might be easy to forget that this victory would not have been possible without Sen. Collins doing what voters re-elected her for in the first place: bringing both sides to the table and delivering results.

I thank Sen. Collins for her leadership.

Matthew Fishbein
Cape Elizabeth
University of Maine College Republicans

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