Editorial Page Editor Greg Kesich’s March 6 Telegram column, “Green energy the way to fight Putin” (Page D2), is spot on. Let’s pull out all the stops on a “peace offensive” against Putin and use our economic strength to stop his military invasion.

We need to impose the nonmilitary equivalent of a “no-fly” zone because the U.S. and NATO have already said we are not going to war in Ukraine. Let’s implement a “no-buy” zone on Russia – all Russian goods and services everywhere, including oil and gas.

If U.S., NATO and EU leaders united behind a “no-buy” zone and moved step by step to implement it, Russian President Vladimir Putin would see that Europe, the U.K. and the U.S. are striking back with full economic force.

Yes, European countries dependent on Russian oil and gas would have to find the energy to run their economies and heat their homes elsewhere. So, get the oil from the U.S. and OPEC while the West builds the renewable-energy sources needed to replace that oil. Is that too much to give up for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine?

Putin has put Russia’s foreign customers on the front lines of this war. Let’s stop waiting for each new outrage before making our next move. We need to take the fight to him and strike where it will hurt the most.

If we are serious about supporting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his country, it is time for solidarity and sacrifice.

Andrew Stevenson

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