I cannot believe that Jim Fossel would scrutinize President Biden’s foreign policy in a negative scenario in his March 6 Telegram column, especially since we had four years of a “do nothing” president who wasted time playing “footsie” with that dangerous dictator and adopting no foreign policy during his time in office.

Any president who followed a no-policy president (who shall remain nameless) came into a White House full of garbage to be cleared away. Needless to say, our own backyards needed structure first and foremost, since they were also disregarded. And “failed” is not the end result!

At the State of the Union address, when many are concerned about our homeland, why would the current president make it a priority to demonstrate to us what the government strategy would be on Ukraine? What’s more, the world strategy involves many other leaders and not just our president.

Mr. Fossel, as usual, is elaborating on the wrong strong points, and not with the perspective of history. Remember: Sadly, “what’s past is prologue.”

Elizabeth Bodner Cumiskey

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