Newspaper subscriptions turned out to be a popular gift idea during the recent holiday season, and that’s very good news for the children helped by the Press Herald Toy Fund.

Building on a successful effort last year, the Portland Press Herald pledged to donate $10 to the toy fund for each 52-week subscription purchased during the holiday season and $5 for each 26-week subscription.

The Sun Journal in Lewiston joined in, too, pledging to donate $10 of the proceeds from each 52-week subscription.

Whether it was to help the charity, support local journalism or just to stay informed and be entertained, plenty of people gave newspaper subscriptions in recent weeks.

The Press Herald sold 195 52-week subscriptions and 59 26-week subscriptions, and the Sun Journal sold 48 52-week subscriptions.

And that added up to a combined $2,725 for the toy fund thanks to the Press Herald and Sun Journal readers who invested in their local news organizations.


Donations from readers of the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, the Sun Journal in Lewiston and The Times Record in Brunswick allow the toy fund to provide gifts to thousands of children in need in York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Androscoggin and Knox counties. To help, go to

Donations are still arriving (they are accepted year-round) and the newspapers will continue to publish the names of donors in the coming days.


From generous Press Herald readers who are giving the gift of local journalism – $2245
From generous Sun Journal readers who are giving the gift of local journalism – $480
Jody & Donald Abbott $200
Jade & Tom Doyle $50
In memory of Oma & Gramps – JPC $300
Kenneth & Kathlyn Moran $100
Alex & Nan Patterson $100
In memory of my mother, Rose M. Taliento. From the Bancroft family $50
D&G Machine Products Inc. $3,500
Liz & Robert Wagner $250
For next year … and for my Aunt Fe’, mother of nine … Happy Holidays! $250
In honor of my friends and coworkers at Networks Accounting. From David Gao $100

TOTAL TO DATE: $211,329.49

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