We are now seeing the true colors of the Supreme Court of the United States, and they are not pretty.

Our “Supreme” court has become a political body that is a serious threat to justice and, I believe, in conflict with judicial ethics. I am a white male, 76. I am a fiscal conservative, so am troubled by the “pork and waste” in our spending policies, but am socially rational and realistic, so I believe in individual rights.

What I do not believe is that the federal government, state government, Supreme Court or other individuals have the right to impose their perception of morality on individuals who may, or may not, share that same perception.

You could imply that this means I do not support Roe v. Wade, but that ruling gave women a more universal right to controlling what happens to their bodies, so I absolutely do support it. I found it disappointing that we needed to go to that extreme to ensure that right.

Simply put, the decision for a woman to have an abortion is hers, alone. The only other person who has any input is her doctor. I exclude family because too often they are perpetrators in cases of rape and incest.

Religious beliefs should not enter into the general argument. Approximately 30 percent of Americans do not believe in any “Supreme Being,” according to an Ipsos Global survey, so it is not just to impose a perceived religious morality on them. Each, and every, woman has the sole, individual right to choose!

Don Bessey
Old Orchard Beach

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