Climate change has been in our news constantly, and especially now while the Glascow climate summit is being held.

For those of us who believe in science, it is an anxious time, wondering if humanity can avoid this slow motion train wreck. No matter what your cause, climate change is sure to make the situation worse. Worried about immigration? Think of how many refugees will be clamoring to move to the parts of the globe that remain habitable due to sufficient rainfall. Affordable housing? Here in Maine we are already seeing our real estate prices skyrocket, and one cause is folks moving here to escape wildfires and floods.

It is easy to wonder what a single person can do to make a difference, and be tempted to bury one’s head in the sand. There is, however, something we can all do that is without cost and may help to reverse the tide. Simply email your senators and representatives in Congress and tell them how you feel. Not just once, but every month.

It does not have to be a long message. Just remind them that you expect action to reduce the harm of climate change. Do it routinely and if enough of us keep doing it, our leaders will be moved to take action. Do not be discouraged and do not expect immediate gratification. It took us a long time to get to this state, and stubborn perseverance will be needed to reverse the trend.

David Witherill

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