I’m writing about a letter in the July 4 Maine Sunday Telegram headlined “Partisan Supreme Court weakens our democracy” (Page D3).

My father and uncles served in our military during World War II, and I served during Vietnam. Those wars tested our mettle. Our country has even survived the very costly Civil War.

I can assure the writer that we are not “nearing tyranny,” and we are not “doomed.” The United States is the strongest, most resilient, most beautiful, richest and most generous country the world has ever known. How do I know? Tens of thousands of people are paying Mexican cartels thousands of dollars, risking their lives and their children to come here. You don’t see people moving to other countries – not yet, at least.

As for the Supreme Court, many of the justices are interpreting the Constitution and our laws as they were written, instead of how they would like them to be written. What a concept. If our legislators want different rulings, they can write new laws. They can even impeach the justices. It seems they might even add more justices.

Whatever happens, we’ll be OK.

Please don’t believe all the sensationalism you hear on your nightly news channel. They’re driven by ratings and advertising dollars, not by the accuracy of their content.

Allan Neff

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