I share Sam Saltonstall’s optimism for national climate policy progress (“Letter to the editor: Signs of hope for climate solutions,” June 25, Page A12).

Here’s more good news: With the praiseworthy support of Sens. Angus King and Susan Collins, the Senate has passed the Growing Climate Solutions Act (S.1251), which encourages natural carbon sequestration through land management practices which will be a boon to Maine’s forestry and farming and help preserve our natural assets. Most impressive is that this bill passed by 92-8!

Such bipartisan support is rare on any issue, so it’s especially encouraging to see party divisions erode on climate action. Also encouraging is the continually growing chorus from community and business leaders from all ideologies supporting carbon pricing policies (like H.R. 2307), which would drastically reduce emissions while benefiting low- and middle-income Americans through carbon monthly dividend checks.

Supporters of such policies include the Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates, Maersk, 3,500-plus economists and 20-plus Maine towns! They know that as the EU and Canada contemplate carbon tariffs on U.S. imports, we will lose big if we remain one of only two developed countries without a carbon price (and Australian is much further along).

So, high praise to Maine’s delegation for providing climate hope. Maine prays that further legacy-building, statue-erecting action will follow. When they pass the hat for that statue, I can’t think of a better use of my carbon dividend!”

Peter Dugas
volunteer, Citizens’ Climate Lobby; winner, 2021 Source Award

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