The license plates of residents of Washington, D.C., now read “End Taxation Without Representation.” This is because the 700,000-plus residents of D.C. pay federal and local taxes and yet have no voting representatives in the U.S. Congress, where all local legislation, including the annual budget, must be submitted for approval.

Washington, D.C., has more residents than Wyoming and Vermont. Its residents pay more total federal taxes than residents of 20 states. On a per capita basis, Washington, D.C., residents pay the highest amount in federal taxes in the entire U.S.; yet, unlike anywhere else in the country, they have no local control.

This situation can be remedied by passage of S.51, the D.C. statehood act, which is being debated in the U.S. Senate this week. I urge readers to contact our two senators, Angus King and Susan Collins, and urge them to support this bill. It is just the right thing to do.

Bill Thomas

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