In his letter of June 16, Bruce Poliquin writes in opposition to the nomination of David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The bureau is charged with combating illegal gun trafficking. In the past, Mr. Chipman has taken strong positions in favor of gun safety, and Mr. Poliquin finds him objectionable for this reason. But as head of ATF, Mr. Chipman promises aggressive enforcement of existing laws, precisely what gun-rights advocates have repeatedly called for.

It should be remembered that it is Congress that writes new laws, not bureau directors. Congress might call on Mr. Chipman for opinion and advice, but only Congress has the power to make changes in the law. I believe Mr. Poliquin can relax and that law-abiding gun owners and gun dealers have nothing to fear from Mr. Chipman.

Michael P. Bacon

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