The reason I love paying the Portland Press Herald for home delivery is so I can physically pick the paper up or put it down at my leisure. Sometimes my papers pile up. My family knows not to mess with “my pile,” although each daily is available to whoever chooses to peruse.

Upon reading June 16’s Commentary page (A11), I felt myself sucked into a bleak, dystopian, imagination of reality. Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts succeeded in making my enjoyment of catching up with news dreary in his imaginative portrayal of  the effort to “soft-pedal history to keep white people comfortable.” Easy reading. Dark implications.

Then, on to the second commentary, by Knox County Republican chair Victoria Bucklin. The aversions of Pitts’ imaginary vision of the stalling of America’s enlightenment were dripping and lingering in every sentence of Bucklin’s commentary. I was one quarter through her piece before I had to remind myself I was now reading a contemporary screed of why Maine voters chose Susan Collins over Sara Gideon.

No one can see into the mind of the voter. Bucklin seems to think she can. In 250 words or fewer I cannot completely pick the bones of her commentary. I can say: Maybe she ought to hop on the reality train and realize wage inequality is not an immigration issue nor an “us versus them” issue.

Susan Ferrante

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