“Died suddenly.”… ”Ended their earthly bonds.”…“Was killed when a firearm accidentally discharged.” …“Died after failing to open the garage door while the vehicle was running.”…”Gas oven failed to ignite, resulting in the death of …”…“Died of tainted drug overdose.”

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., with 132 Americans on average ending their lives each day. Forty-eight thousand to 50,000 people kill themselves annually. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people between the ages of 10 and 34 years old. Men ages 65 and older are more likely to die by their own hands than any other group. Firearms account for half of all suicide deaths.

Maine and New Hampshire have higher suicide rates than the national average, for men and women.

Stressful life events, health issues, mental health disorders and access to firearms or drugs increase the suicide rate.

Much can be done to reduce suicides. Contact the Maine and New Hampshire chapters of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Maine telephone 1-800-273-8255; afsp.org/maine, New Hampshire telephone 1-603-318-6517; afsp.org/newhampshire.

My 52-year-old son, Bob, ended his life in New Hampshire four weeks ago, with a high-powered rifle: Suicide.

Henry H. Dozier Jr.

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