Reform advocate Zooms in

A subset of the group New Gloucester United Against Racism conducts discussions based on media sources, such as books, podcasts and videos. On Jan. 27, their members held a Zoom conversation on the podcast episode “Mass Incarceration is Solvable,” where prison reform advocate Insha Rahman, of Brooklyn, New York, talked about the racist roots of America’s mass incarceration and prison privatization and what steps can be taken to resolve the crisis.

Rahman is the director of strategy and new initiatives at the Vera Institute of Justice, where she focuses on prosecutorial reform, bail and decarceration, with an emphasis on developing advocacy-related strategies and accountability.

As luck would have it, NGUAR member Nick Planson is a friend of Rahman from his days of residing in New York. He invited her to join the media group on a Feb. 3 Zoom call to explore reform strategies more thoroughly. Nine people joined the 75-minute call.

The 21-minute podcast produced by Pushkin Industries can be accessed at

DIY full moon hike

Royal River Conservation Trust hasn’t been hosting group events due to the pandemic. The trust urges folks to hike at various locations for full moon evenings. RRCT 400 Footer Club ( has a good sample of hilltops with full moon potential if folks spread out rather than pig pile on Pisgah Hill.

Kindergarten registration open

If you live in New Gloucester and your child will be 5 years old on or before Oct. 15, 2021, it’s time to register them to attend kindergarten. Memorial School is accepting registration for all students in New Gloucester who will be starting kindergarten in the fall. If you have any questions about the process, visit or call the Memorial School office at 926-4322.

Dog registration extension

Gov. Janet Mills, through her executive order, has granted an extension for dog registrations with no late fee assessed until June 2. Call the Town Office 926-4126 ext. 1 with any questions.

Holiday closure

All town facilities will be closed on Monday, Feb. 15, in observance of Presidents Day.

Patti Mikkelsen can be contacted at

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