SOUTH PORTLAND — In partnership with the Greater Portland area, the South Portland Economic Development Committee announced on Nov. 23 that the team has created a COVID-19 Public Service Announcement Campaign.

A press release said that the town of Scarborough, town of Falmouth, city of Portland, city of South Portland, city of Westbrook, Greater Portland Council of Governments, and the Portland Regional Chamber are collaborating on videos that will air until mid-January.

The public service announcement videos, which can be accessed at, promote the best practices to slow the spread of COVID-19, inform businesses about helpful resources during the pandemic, and thank the public for its kindness and generosity as well as “staying the course,” said the release.

The South Portland’s Economic Development team coordinated and led the project, said the release. Bill Mann, director, said that sponsors all agreed to focus on key points.

These areas include “keeping our vigilance and following the best practices to slow the spread of this virus; making sure that our business community knows there are resources and help available to them; recognizing those who have made donations, contributions, and gestures of kindness over the course of this very challenging year, and as we look forward to better times ahead; and using this campaign as an opportunity to say thanks for being patient, kind, caring, and staying the course,” said the release.

The South Portland Economic Development Team is proud to work with other municipalities and organizations on the campaign, Mann said.

“We are asking everyone to please share these PSAs as a way to support local businesses and our entire community,” Mann said. “We want as many people as possible to see these great PSAs. … we are grateful for all the frontline workers who are keeping our community strong. We want to dedicate this PSA campaign to them. By continuing to work together, all our communities are helping residents and businesses stay the course for brighter days ahead.”

The public service announcements will air on local TV stations and streaming services through local cable networks, the release said. Several have been translated into French, Portuguese and Spanish and will also appear on internet advertisement spaces.

“The partners in this effort want to thank the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Keep Maine Healthy 2020 Municipal COVID-19 Awareness Campaign Grant Fund for financial support of this campaign,” said the release. “The partners also wish to acknowledge the creative and technical coordination and participation of Marshall Communications, Good Eye Productions, and Cre8iv Co.”

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