Is New England quarterback Cam Newton the starter? Maybe he is, and maybe he won’t be alone. Coach Bill Belichick did not dismiss the idea of using multiple quarterbacks this season. Steven Senne/Associated Press

Bill Belichick has never been afraid to think outside the box, or be the trend-setter for going away from the norm.

When the subject of using a quarterback platoon came up during a video conference Wednesday, the Patriots head coach didn’t exactly shoot down the notion.

Asked specifically if such a move might benefit the team if he were to employ two quarterbacks with two different skill sets, Belichick seemed on board.

“Yeah, it might,” said Belichick. “Look, I always say I’ll do what I think is best for the team and what gives us the best chance to win. Whatever that is … I would certainly consider that. If it’s run an unbalanced line, or double unbalanced line, or 23 personnel, or whatever it is, if it helps us win, I would consider anything.”

Start with Cam Newton, then mix in Jarrett Stidham? Or Brian Hoyer? Would Newton even go for that scenario?

Belichick might also be setting up his opponents to have to plan and prepare for multiple quarterbacks, or, there might be a hint of truth to going an unconventional route, at least at the start while Newton is still trying to get acclimated to the offense.


With no preseason, it’s tougher for everyone to get up to speed, especially a quarterback coming into a new system.

Maybe Belichick has Stidham or Hoyer run the no-huddle offense if needed during games, since they’re more familiar with the system. Or maybe Belichick tries to confuse the defense using zone-read options for Newton, and then more traditional plays for Stidham if he enters the game.

Whatever the case, it’s an intriguing possibility. And Belichick didn’t exactly squash having the notion floated by the media.

Currently, all three quarterbacks have been given equal reps during practices.

Asked if there would be a point when he’d have to give the lion’s share of reps to one quarterback, Belichick indicated that would eventually take place.

“Obviously, there’s some point where that’s going to happen. Right now, we want to give everyone the opportunity to get the basics,” said Belichick. “We’re really doing that at all positions, everyone’s rotating through. We’re trying to give everyone an opportunity to run the basic plays, get the basic fundamentals down. So yes, at some point, we’ll have to not equalize the reps. That’s obvious.”

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