Village Parcel regrets

To the editor,

After watching the recent video of the Dec.17 Kennebunkport Village Parcel Committee meeting, it appears to me there is some buyer’s remorse. After spending $10 million plus another $4 million for bonds, what is to be done with this $14 million white elephant?

Some want to see more open space with walking, biking trails and gathering places. I’m not sure if they’re aware that the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust (KCT) owns more than 2,200 acres with 15 miles of trails, a dozen islands, seven beachfront lots, the River Green and the Grist Mill lot which provides public access to the Kennebunk River. I’m sure most people don’t know you can begin in Cape Porpoise and walk to the Biddeford city line on KCT land with just a few gaps. There are also many sidewalks and open spaces like the riverfront lot at the South Congo Church, Parson’s Way, Colony Beach and Perkin’s Park.. I wonder how many people who want these items are the same who were concerned about how much land the KCT was taking off the tax rolls, which is exactly what happens to town owned land.

Some want a new town hall, but the town already owns two possible sites, the ‘McCabe’ lot near Consolidated School and the six-acre lot where the police station is, that lot is close to Cape Porpoise which some consider to be the center of town and has great road access to other parts of town, that was the reason that location was chosen.

In my opinion, what the town is most lacking is elderly housing. About 25 years ago, as developers, we purchased the Leach Dairy Farm on Wildes District Road. The original intent of the purchase was to create a Congregate Housing Project similar to Huntington Common in Kennebunk.


Kennebunkport has one of the state’s oldest populations with no options for some elderly but to leave if they need a nursing home or assisted living. At that time there was no language in the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) to permit such a development. It took over a year to craft and approve of an ‘eldercare’ facility and by that time the investor had moved on and we created High Point Farms. Another of our developments, Foxberry Woods, could easily have been market rate housing on ½ acre lots if the LUO permitted single family homes rather than two family homes, with the same density.

I still think the need exists, and other than the $14 million price tag and another $4 to 5 million in infrastructure costs, would be the highest and best use of the Village Parcel. It could be phased and begin with 55-plus housing on smaller lots and restricted to year-around residents, then to an eldercare facility with independent living, assisted living, then a nursing home, what some refer to as a continuing care facility, giving the elderly an option for remaining in the town they’ve lived in for years might free up some housing for others. I hope when we get to that need there will be a place in Kennebunkport for us to go.

I heard comments like ‘there’s no rush to do anything’, ‘it’s good for posterity’, etc., meanwhile our RE taxes have risen by about 15 percent in the last few years and it’s unlikely the value of the land will increase because it was so overpriced to begin with.

Bill Case


Twirlers appreciate support


To the editor,

The Kennebunk Twirlers would like to thank all the generous businesses and individuals who have supported us in our December calendar-selling effort. Your donations of gift certificates and products helped us defray the cost of costumes for our 2020 season.

Amato’s, The Candy Man, Cottage Breeze Day Spa, Sue Crowell, Dunkin’ Donuts, Dairy Queen, anonymous cash donor, Kennebunk House of Pizza, Village Paperie, Port Lobster, Hannaford, Moody’s Collision, Jessica Rogers, Stripers Waterside Restaurant, Toy Company, Duffy’s Tavern and Grill, Cummings’ Market, Morong Falmouth – David, Shield’s Meats, Cut – N – Edge – Chelsea.

Twirlingly and thank you,

Kennebunk Twirlers,

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