In Greg Kesich’s Oct. 27 column (“Portland mayor’s race a family squabble”) , he actually claims that there are basically no policy differences between the candidates running for mayor.

Does he actually think that developers, Republicans, and the Chamber of Commerce are spending tens of thousands of dollars to defeat me because they don’t like my style?

And that my supporters – firefighters, teachers, union members, seniors, activists, civil rights leaders, renters, homeowners, and immigrants – are backing me because they think I’m a nice guy?

These people back me because I fight hard for issues that matter to them.

And the interests who oppose me, don’t give a hoot about my personality. They, like two of my opponents, Kate Snyder and Spencer Thibodeau, favor unpopular ideas and are upset at how effectively we have passed meaningful policies.

While a coalition of us fought against cuts to the school budget, Kate and Spencer voted to cut the school budget by over a million dollars during their respective tenures.


While a coalition of us fought to ensure that every worker in Portland gets paid sick leave, Kate and Spencer opposed that effort.

While a coalition of us championed Clean Elections, Kate and Spencer opposed sending it to the ballot.

And, while all of us have said we support higher wages for Portland workers, Kate and Spencer have refused to join me in supporting a $15 minimum wage.

Does Greg really not see these differences?

Maybe, but I am confident that the voters of Portland do.

Mayor Ethan K. Strimling


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