We write today to endorse our friend and colleague, Spencer Thibodeau, to be the next mayor of the city of Portland. We are joined by our colleagues Councilors Nicholas Mavodones and Brian Batson and former Councilors David Brenerman and Jon Hinck.

As councilors who have worked with Ethan Strimling during his first term, we believe Portland needs new energy and a new approach. Spencer Thibodeau is the candidate with the right experience to collaborate with the City Council and city staff to deliver real results for Portland voters.

Spencer has the temperament necessary for effective leadership. He is collegial, thoughtful and dedicated. We know this because each of us has worked alongside Spencer. We know his style, his approach, his work ethic and his commitment to Portland. And after working with him, we know he is up to the task.

The current mayor ran on the promise to bring people together, but he abandoned that promise in pursuit of his own political agenda. He has wasted valuable time creating division and focusing on expanding his own power when he could have been working alongside the council to get things done. That is not the kind of leadership Portland needs or deserves; that is vanity. Portland can – and must – do better.

Spencer Thibodeau is a capable, hardworking and open-minded leader. Most importantly, he is willing to listen. He is smart, thorough and deliberate, and he has a proven track record of bringing people together. Spencer knows how to get things done. 

Spencer served on the city’s Housing Committee and brought tenants and landlords together to increase the notice period for rent increases from 45 to 75 days. He also voted in support of property tax relief for seniors, incentives for development of housing for workers, and funding to build affordable housing.


As chair of the Sustainability and Transportation Committee, Spencer led efforts on sustainability by introducing a 100 percent renewable energy goal for municipal operations by 2040 and working collaboratively with the committee and council colleagues to get it passed. He successfully advocated for Portland’s first protected bike lanes, which were completed ahead of schedule and under budget, and oversaw the passage of the city’s pesticide ordinance, hailed as one of the strongest organic lawn care policies in New England.

Spencer has also been a tireless advocate for preserving and protecting Portland’s quality of life. He successfully pushed for an increase in basic municipal services and advocated for infrastructure improvements like blinking crosswalk beacons and smart traffic lights to ease congestion and make our streets safer and more walkable.

This sort of experience is crucial for this city, as Portland is at a pivotal moment. A booming economy has spurred rapid growth. This growth can be good for Portland, but only if it happens in a planned and intentional manner so Portland residents can stay in their homes. We need a mayor who understands the nuances of land use code and can ensure that Portland grows intelligently so that housing is available at all income levels, public transit is enhanced and open space is preserved. We need a mayor capable of working on a broad range of issues – a mayor who has the skill set to address real challenges while building trust with the council and residents, workers and business owners in the city. Spencer is the only candidate with all of these essential traits.

Portland faces many challenges over the next four years and is in need of a collaborative leader who embodies the role set forth in the charter. Time and again, Spencer has listened to diverse voices across our beloved city. Time and again, Spencer has worked through complex public policy issues to get to results that matter for our future. Please join us in making Spencer Thibodeau your No. 1 choice for mayor on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

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