A Bundle of Names
Initially Cape Porpus, the town became Arundel in 1719, then Kennebunkport and North Kennebunkport from 1821 until 1957, when by town vote it became Arundel again. (arundelmaine.org)
4 Quiet Miles
Arundel’s section of the 65-mile Eastern Trail is a path through woods and wetlands between Biddeford and Kennebunk. (arundelmaine.org)
Sour Name, Sweet Music
According to legend, the Vinegar Hill Music Theatre’s name originated with a farmer’s pouring barrels of apples gone bad down the hill. Today, the historic timber barn offers live music in a range of genres. See vinegarhillmusictheatre.com.
$1.8 Million
Value of the 1948 Tucker, an attraction at the Maine Classic Car Museum on U.S. Route 1, and one of only 47 such cars remaining.
6 of the Best
All six schools in RSU 21, Arundel’s district, are among Maine’s highest-performing. (www.arundelmaine.org)
Hearty Review
Novelist/reviewer Margaret Deland called Kenneth Roberts’ 1929 novel “Arundel” “Brown bread, and roast beef, and beer!” (“Arundel,” 1956 printing)
Since 2012
Frinklepod Farm has strived “to provide our community with healthy food, preserve agricultural land, and help inspire a new generation of farmers.”  (frinklepodfarm.com)
Antiques? Magnifique!
Arundel Antique Village at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and Log Cabin Road features 200 dealers and 250 display areas. (arundelantiquevillage.com)
The number of family burial grounds that have been identified within the town. Sounds like a boon to genealogistis. (arundelmaine.org)
Parvo Hall
The original name of the late-1800s Town Hall building, which was first a social hall, on Limerick Road. (arundelmaine.org)
3 Rs, 5 Schools
Five one-room schoolhouses provided instruction in “reading and ‘riting and ‘rithmetic” before the 1960 opening of Arundel Elementary, which is now the Mildred L. Day School. (arundelmaine.org)

Maine Properties for Sale

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