As a citizen of Pownal who opposes the proposed Central Maine Power corridor, I wish to rebut David Hyde’s recent letter, “Who’s bankrolling the anti-corridor campaign?” (Aug. 12), in which he claims that “dark money” is behind the campaign and the many “No CMP Corridor” signs in Pownal. I take great issue with Mr. Hyde’s insinuation that those of us who oppose the project on legitimate environmental grounds are somehow unwitting stooges of an imagined shadowy “dark money” network of unnamed pro-fossil fuels promoters.

Opposition to the project has strong grass-roots support based firmly on environmental concerns. A similar project proposed through New Hampshire failed to gain approval in that state largely because of environmental concerns – concerns that are even greater in Maine.

The project’s putative carbon benefits (which are ill-documented) could well be negated by the destruction of tracts of mature forest, which serve as essential carbon sinks. The negative environmental, climate and social effects of Hydro-Quebec’s destruction of large areas of forests in Quebec are also significant. And the project would hamper the growth of Maine’s own renewable-energy economy.

Insinuating that opponents of the proposed CMP project are in the thrall of the fossil fuel lobby is insulting. Most of us passionately support renewable fuels. I have one of the larger solar arrays in Pownal.

In fact, CMP is owned by the enormous transnational Spanish energy giant Iberdrola, whose largest shareholders are Qatari, Norwegian and Spanish. Iberdrola seeks maximum shareholder profit through massive, expensive infrastructure projects – like the proposed CMP corridor. I recently received a postcard addressed to “Prospective Natural Gas Customer” from Maine Natural Gas, whose logo looks exactly like CMP’s logo. That’s because Iberdrola owns Maine Natural Gas. Mr. Hyde may wish to research Iberdrola’s role in promoting fossil fuels.

Janet Lynch


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