We are not free from gun violence, because “We” cannot pass rational background-check legislation; “We” cannot prohibit military-type weapon and magazine sales and fund a national buyback of such killers; “We” cannot prohibit open-carry ordinances and restrict concealed-weapon permits to present and retired law enforcement personnel, and “We” cannot pass safe-school legislation to ensure that our precious children are protected from violence.

We are not free from racism, because “We” cannot define hate language without restricting freedom of speech; “We” cannot pass legislation to hold social media responsible for racist, inflammatory, nationalist and sexually explicit postings, and “We” cannot pass laws to prohibit demonstrations, marches and TV spots that are blatantly divisive and target others’ religion, gender, heritage or civil and human rights.

We are not free from fear, because “We” cannot pass American legislation to ensure that every individual’s vote is validly counted; “We” cannot strategically cooperate with our real allies to strengthen our alliances and treaties to stymie those who might oppose freedom and humanity, and “We” cannot cut our grossly bloated military budget while simultaneously rebuilding strong defensive pacts with Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea and all NATO countries.

We are not free from family insecurity, because “We” cannot find sufficient humanity to protect all American children from poverty; “We” cannot guarantee affordable, comprehensive medical coverage for every U.S. man, woman and child, and “We”cannot demand a safe environment for every citizen.

If “We” cannot change, then we (the rest of us) all should “go back” where we came from, since any of those other homes cannot be less safe than where America is headed. This country is only months away from possibly the most important election in our history. And, so far, no one has been radical enough to propose the above changes to stop our sacred country from bleeding to death.

Jim Storer


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