Re: “Collins co-sponsors foreign influence reporting bill” (July 31, Page B1):

I would like to acknowledge Sen. Susan Collins for doing the very least she could do to express her constituents’ frustration and anger with the criminal actions blatantly displayed by our president and his Cabinet.

She knows that her seat is under serious threat, and by co-sponsoring a bill that, even if brought up for a vote by Mitch McConnell, will never get passed by her party in the Senate, she can feign phony opposition to the president’s outrageous behaviors. This is a safe way to show her constituents that she was “fighting” the divisive liar who is president. Who does she think she is fooling?

There is still time for Sen. Collins to change. It took a strong Maine Republican woman to begin the end of McCarthyism, which was propagated by her own party. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith had the moral courage to deliver the “Declaration of Conscience” speech even if it spoke against members of her own party.

Sen. Collins can be the Margaret Chase Smith of our era and save our nation by standing up to the president and his cronies with an updated “Declaration of Conscience.”

I urge Sen. Collins to please be our Margaret Chase Smith.

Ray Nagel


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