Janet Mills has the correct position on the CMP line. The pluses far outweigh the negatives of the project. 53 miles of new powerlines and their right of ways placed in predominantly cutover forest is not going to cause significant damage to wildlife or tourism.

Most of the tourists visiting Maine live in southern New England and New York. If our state tourism department uses any complaints as teachable moments to explain that the powerlines are moving clean energy to their states, I am sure most will accept it.

Our wildlife has been increasing for decades – to the point that some animals are becoming a nuisance. I have worked in the forests of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York all my life and I have seen more wildlife on the roads and under powerlines than I ever have in the woods. During the spring and summer there is more forage for them along powerlines than there is in under the forest canopy.

The opponents of the powerline say that the clean hydropower being transmitted will not reduce climate-changing pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. And it won’t by itself, but we need to start somewhere. Maine is down east from the pollution being produced by nuclear plants and industry in the lower New England region. Anything we can do to reduce that is worthwhile.

What kind of legacy are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? Are they going to say, “way back in 2020 our grands had a chance to slow climate change and did nothing because CMP wouldn’t pay enough”? Are we that self-centered and greedy?

Do the right thing. Take down those “No CMP Corridor” signs.

Art Young


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