Imti Hassan and Gabriel Gomez, second and third from left, are interning this summer as Bank of America Student Leaders. At left is Portland Superintendent Xavier Botana. At right are Rose Parsons and Bill Williamson of BOA and Portland Board of Public Education Chairman Roberto Rodriquez. Courtesy/Portland Public Schools

CBHS students are leaders in summer internship program

Two Casco Bay High School students have been named 2019 Bank of America Student Leaders and are participating in paid eight-week internships this summer.

Gabriel Gomez and Imti Hassan were honored by the Portland Board of Public Education and Superintendent Xavier Botana at the board’s June 18 meeting.

The BOA Student Leaders program helps connect community-minded high school students to jobs, skills development and service. Participants work at a local nonprofit, where they learn firsthand about the needs of the community and the role nonprofits play. They will also attend the Student Leader Summit in Washington, D.C., to explore how government, business and the nonprofit sectors work to address community needs.

Gomez, a rising senior at CBHS, will intern at United Way of Greater Portland.


CBHS Principal Derek Pierce described Gomez as “an excellent student and an equally impressive human being. Gabe’s self-effacing wit and impish grin are immediately charming, but his intelligence and integrity are what hold your respect. Academically, Gabe is one of our top students. He was in the first cohort of students to earn a Seal of Biliteracy, and he has achieved with honors in every discipline from art to math.”

Hassan graduated from CBHS in June and will intern this summer at the Boys & Girls Club of Southern Maine.

Pierce said, “Last summer, Imti Hassan was given the position of “Paradigm Shifter” at the renowned Seeds of Peace Camp. She is one of few 17-year-olds worthy of this daunting label. There is not a program (or community) on earth that would not benefit deeply from her exceptional, buoyant, inclusive and, yes, paradigm-shifting leadership. Imti’s experience as a leader is as deep as it is wide.”

Jack Engelberger of Falmouth will be interning for U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, this summer.  Coutesy/U.S. Senate Photographic Studio.

Falmouth college student interning in Washington

Jack Engelberger, a Falmouth native, has been awarded a summer internship in the Washington, D.C., office of U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

Engelberger is a 2016 graduate of Falmouth High School and is the son of Bill and Amy Engelberger of Falmouth.

“It is always a pleasure to give students the opportunity to become actively involved in the legislative process,” said Collins.  “Jack is a terrific student, and I am delighted to welcome him to my Washington, D.C., office.”

Engelberger is a rising senior at Trinity College, where he is majoring in political science with a concentration in American government and politics. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in politics.  He is joining his brother Riley Engelberger in D.C., where Riley works in residential architecture.

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