PARIS — Police said a local woman broke into her son-in-law’s house in West Paris on Saturday and pointed a loaded semi-automatic handgun at him, but it failed to fire.

Mary Landers, 61, was arrested Sunday at her house at 177 Ellingwood Road in Paris on charges of aggravated attempted murder and burglary, according to an affidavit by Deputy Zane Loper of the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office.

Landers broke into Matthew Lobb’s house on the Ellingwood Road in West Paris at 5:45 p.m. Saturday, entered his bedroom and woke him by screaming, according to Loper.

When Lobb attempted to call 911, Landers pulled the phone from his hand, smashed it, pointed a loaded, .40-caliber handgun at him and pulled the trigger.

Lobb, according to the affidavit, heard the firing pin strike, but the gun did not fire. He grabbed it before Landers fled.

Lobb contacted the Sheriff’s Office on Sunday and showed Loper the gun. It was loaded and the round was still jammed in the chamber, according to the affidavit.


Lobb and his wife, Jessica Lobb, had argued Saturday night. She was not at the residence when her mother arrived, according to Loper.

According to the affidavit, Landers sent a text message to Jessica Lobb at about 5:30 p.m. Saturday that read: “Awe, I am ao sorry. I am now goo h to kill him.”

Landers was arrested at 6:31 p.m. Sunday and taken to the Oxford County Jail in Paris.

A corrections officer said Tuesday evening charges against Landers also include terrorizing and criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon. Landers posted bail of $30,000 worth of property and was released Monday, the deputy said.

Bail conditions include she not possess dangerous weapons or alcohol and have no contact with Matthew Lobb.

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