Maine’s quality of life is an incredible competitive advantage, but the size and skill of our workforce is a barrier to business retention and expansion – especially as more baby boomers retire.

I’ve spent my career working with Maine employers, helping them retain and recruit talent, and recently launched LiveandWorkinMaine to keep more people here and increase awareness about the job opportunities that exist here to job seekers outside the state. It’s also why I am voting “yes” on Question 4 this November.

This $49 million investment in the campuses of the University of Maine System makes them more competitive in student attraction and allows them to expand enrollment to graduate more nurses, engineers, computer programmers and other in-demand professionals with four-year degrees that employers need to grow their businesses and Maine’s economy.

On Nov. 6, please join me in supporting Question 4 and the opportunities it provides both students and employers for greater success right here in Maine.

Ed McKersie

president, Pro Search, Inc.


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