One hundred years ago, Woodrow Wilson sold the American people on getting involved in World War I in order to, as he said, “make the world safe for democracy.” One hundred years later, I think we’ve come full circle. Now, I see the coming election as a time to “make America safe for democracy.”

Our federal government is currently under one-party rule, practically an autocracy. Republicans control the Senate, the House of Representatives, the presidency and the Supreme Court. Millionaire Republican members of Congress (and many of them are millionaires) gave huge tax cuts to fellow millionaires and corporations. To pay for this giveaway to the least needy, they plan to dismantle the social safety net.

I believe the USA is “safe for democracy” (and more honest) when there are two parties sharing power. Wake up, people. If you’re not a millionaire or a corporation, you should vote for Democrats. Democrats tell the truth, unlike our president.

Sam Winch


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