The only tool the opposition to Question 1 has is deception – they can’t build a credible argument against Question 1 using facts.

The universal home care board has multiple methods of accountability, but the opposition thinks Maine voters are gullible and dishonestly claim the board is unaccountable.

The board is made up of agency representatives, care workers and care receivers or their family members. These people have an enormous stake in this program succeeding. The board is elected by those same groups of people, making the board directly accountable to the Mainers they serve.

The board is also held accountable to the Legislature. An advisory committee consisting of the commissioners of labor and education, the state treasurer, president of the Senate and speaker of the House oversees their work. Additionally, the board submits detailed reports to the Legislature.

This Nov. 6, support communities, families and accountability – support Question 1.

Marla Rankin


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