When we moved to South Portland, we were so excited to be homeowners. We’d been apartment dwellers and didn’t yet appreciate the value of a real neighborhood. Fortunately for us, we moved into a neighborhood with Victoria Morales.

Victoria welcomed us like she welcomes everyone in our community – with open arms. She has been a terrific neighbor and community leader. Victoria shows up every time the neighborhood needs her. She guides us through whatever challenges we face, she gets people involved, and she gets things done.

You can see Victoria’s qualities throughout her family. After we had our first child, Victoria’s daughter made us a card asking to help us by walking our dog. After our second was born, Victoria was at our door with a bag full of meals. Victoria makes everyone around her better, and we have no doubt she will bring these qualities to Augusta as the Democratic representative for House District 33.

Elise Baldacci

South Portland

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