Four candidates are jockeying for two seats on the Scarborough Town Council, including an incumbent who wants to serve a second, three-year term.

Councilor Robert “Will” Rowan seeks re-election and is opposed by John “David” Dittmer, Paul Johnson and Donald Hamill.

Councilor Christopher Caiazzo, whose term is expiring, is stepping down and running for election to the Legislature in House District 28.

Dittmer, 51, said the main reason he decided to run is the lack of communication between local government and residents, and “very divisive” issues like the school budget battles and the school board recall vote.

Dittmer, who said he is a strong supporter of the schools, believes he could bring a more even temperament and balanced look at issues the town is facing.

He said there is a lot of misinformation in the community about the Scarborough Downs tax increment financing and credit enhancement agreements and, as a business owner, he understands the developers’ desire for an expedited process. But as a resident, with the scale of the project, he wants to know all the variables and understand the various perspectives.


Dittmer said he supports the Downs project because the town needs to diversify its tax base. He said the burden the residential part of the project will place on the town for schools, public safety and trash removal will be offset by the light industrial and commercial uses the project is expected to attract.

Johnson, 37, said he decided to run because his interactions with town government have left him feeling unheard and dismissed. Johnson was one of the leaders of the grassroots group Road to Renewal, which led the campaign to recall three School Board members last spring.

Johnson said he will support the tax agreement with the Scarborough Downs project if the third-party financial analysis shows it will benefit the town.

But if he had to cast a vote without additional information, Johnson said, he would vote against the project.

He said the way the council conducts its workshops is something he would like to alter, including extending the three-minute time limit for comments by individuals, as well as the configuration of how councilors are seated, some with their backs to the audience.

Johnson said the decision-making process must be more interactive, adding that the public wants to see debate and dialogue.


Hamill, 62, said he has three priorities: economic sustainability and fiscal responsibility, public engagement and working on trust and transparency.

According to Hamill, the town operates with more than $100 million in debt, the most of any municipality in the state. The town could be more efficient, and without financial solvency, he said, everything else goes downhill.

Hamill said he remains open-minded about TIF discussions with the developers of the Downs project and sees benefits for Scarborough. Hamill said the council should slow down and consider putting the issue to a referendum to gauge public support, and said he wants to see an independent third-party analysis of the financial impact to the town.

Hamill said he is committed to preserving public access to marine resources and would also like to expand the time limit people have for speaking at meetings because three minutes is not enough for someone to explain their concerns.

Rowan, 41, said he is seeking re-election to the council because he sees a need for continuity and experienced leadership.

Rowan said the Downs TIF partnership makes sense, as along as the benefits to the town outweigh the costs. He said he would like to see a third-party financial analysis of the benefits, as well as more feedback in public forums on the project.


Rowan said he wants to focus on increased access to affordable housing, preserving open spaces and attracting growth in the right areas. The councilor would also like to work more with older residents on issues such as access to transportation and recreational opportunities.

Rowan said he sees the value of a diverse socio-economic population and said Scarborough can’t be a town where only the wealthy and elite can afford to live.

Juliette Laaka can be reached at 781-3661 ext. 106 or at:

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