I have been active in Republican politics for more than 30 years, and served in the administration of President George W. Bush. I have watched the Kavanaugh hearings, and pundits like myself have made broad predictions ahead of the 2018 elections.

Lost in most of the analysis, however, is a potential event that could have broad sweeping changes on the elections in November, including disastrous effects on Republican efforts to retain the House and Senate.

The fates of special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should matter to Republicans as much as that of Brett Kavanaugh – and for the same reasons. We live in a country where democracy reigns by rule of law. People are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and investigations, including special investigations, must be allowed to ensue, even if it means bad things for the White House.

First, I do not believe they will find collusion, but I do believe that the very optics of shutting Mueller down will energize Democrats and threaten more erosion to allowing justice to play out. The precedence here is clear: Republicans took overyears to investigate Benghazi, and Whitewater took four through multiple panels, despite cries from Democrats to thwart both investigations.

The one-upmanship going on in Washington today does not help either party, but firing Rosenstein and Mueller could be the next bold move that unravels any hope of Republicans retaining either or both chambers. Let them investigate – finding nothing only strengthens the recognition that Republicans support the rule of law and the basic foundations of our country.

Kathie Summers-Grice


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