Republican Shawn Moody’s website reflects an austerity mindset, yet cutting taxes and spending is not the formula for moving Maine forward. Just ask Kansas.

Shared prosperity will be ours when we learn that we have to invest – in our citizens’ well-being, our infrastructure, our education systems, etc.

You’d think a businessman like Moody would understand this fundamental truth.

Will our state motto under a Gov. Moody be “come to Maine and hire our hungry, unhealthy workforce, use our crumbling roads and good luck with internet connections”?

Democrat Janet Mills has a comprehensive economic plan with bold new ideas, such as creating a small-business accelerator, making job growth loans to small businesses to help finance new employees, offering rural workplace grants and instituting a “welcome home program” that incentivizes workers to return to Maine and its high quality of life.

We can’t afford even one more year of a Republican governor.

Marcia Howell


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