Re “Rare calico lobster caught off Pine Point” (Oct. 1):

Scarborough Fish & Lobster should do the right thing and release the calico lobster back into her ocean home – not sentence her to a life in a tank or, worse, serve her on a dinner plate.

This lobster’s coloring may make her one in 30 million, but she has the same natural drive that all lobsters do to traverse and explore 100 miles or more each year. Research has shown that lobsters establish social relationships, recognize individual lobsters and remember past acquaintances. They also feel pain. Robert W. Elwood, a leading authority on the subject of pain in crustaceans, says, “With vertebrates we are asked to err on the side of caution, and I believe this is the approach to take with these crustaceans.”

We can all help lobsters of all colors live in freedom and peace by not eating them. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ recently released list of the top 10 vegan seafood dishes in the U.S. – featuring vegan crab cakes, artichoke oysters, hearts of palm lobster rolls and more – proves that no sensitive sea animal needs to die for our dinner. Find out more at

Paula Moore

The PETA Foundation

Norfolk, Va.

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