With all due respect to Terry Hayes and Alan Caron, it is time for them to withdraw from the race for governor. After eight years of ham-handed rule by a governor who received less than 50 percent of the vote, Maine needs a chief executive who is legitimately elected by a majority of our citizens.

The quixotic, counterproductive independent candidacies of Hayes and Caron impede this goal. This has nothing to do with their fitness for office. The most qualified person in the world is still a distraction if he or she has not built enough of a political base to be elected – and, if elected, to govern.

These two individuals, undoubtedly fine people, have no chance of victory and every chance of further muddying Maine’s political waters for another four years. Ranked-choice voting would solve this problem, but since that system is not in effect for this election, we need a clear head-to-head choice.

James Gertmenian

Cumberland Foreside

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