When I read Sen. Angus King’s statement regarding how he made his decision on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, I came to the conclusion that he had weighed all of the information presented to him very carefully.

As a citizen, I expect nothing less.

King’s statement cited five key points. He clearly defined the data he had used to evaluate each point and the opinion he formed. In his second point, he mentioned the code of conduct for U.S. judges: that “a judge should avoid impropriety or the appearance of impropriety” with regard to his judicial decisions.

So Sen. King’s decision was based on observing legal guidelines, not simply political persuasions. This is just what I expect from our independent senator.

Please read Angus King’s statement and consider it an example of the thoughtful research he conducts to reach his positions, and a reason to vote for King on Nov. 6.

Susie Coffin


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