We write with concern regarding proposed Trump administration changes to the Endangered Species Act that would:

Make it difficult to extend protections to threatened species by creating new administrative procedures.

 Require consideration of economic factors instead of scientific evidence when deciding to list an endangered species.

 Make it more difficult to designate a critical habitat, an essential tool for protecting and restoring species.

 Essentially exempt climate change as a factor when considering whether to list a species.

According to Maine Audubon, the Endangered Species Act has succeeded in preventing the extinction of 99 percent of the fish, plant and wildlife species listed since 1973. In our opinion, the act has been hugely successful.


Bringing the issue close to home, the Portland Press Herald recently reported on the tremendous success in protecting the piping plover (listed as threatened and endangered in 1986) on area beaches with record numbers of fledglings being recorded this year.

We moved to Maine in part to enjoy its environment, and we believe that it is essential to protect the wildlife and wildlife habitat that are such a tremendous asset for the state. Please join us in supporting the Endangered Species Act and opposing proposed changes that are likely to reduce its future successes in protecting species whose continued existence is threatened.

Debbie and John Grew


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