It is imperative that we take the time to fully vet Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He has made his position clear on Roe v. Wade in his own writing. There is also a credible allegation of attempted rape. Christine Blasey Ford made herself a target to come forward to tell her story about the alleged encounter with Kavanaugh.

Maine women – no, all women – deserve to have our leaders meet a moral and ethical threshold.

Besides Ford’s credible testimony, we also can see Kavanaugh’s character flaws. He recommended that independent counsel Ken Starr ask salacious questions during the investigation into then-President Bill Clinton in 1998.

Kavanaugh also used the term “abortion-inducing drugs” when explaining his opinion in a lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage mandate, clearly demonstrating hostility to women’s reproductive rights.

At this point, I am not even asking Sen. Susan Collins to vote “no.” I am asking her to vote to slow the fast-track confirmation so that Kavanaugh can be thoroughly vetted.

Teresa Berkowitz


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