Eric Brakey is a young, well-spoken, staunch libertarian who is committed to ending the self-serving, special-interest corporate welfare status quo that is entrenched in Washington, D.C. His campaign for the U.S. Senate is about reclaiming power and independence for the Maine people.

Republican Eric Brakey is committed to upholding our Constitution, in the same vein as Sen. Rand Paul – who has extended his endorsement. He is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and aims to prevent the federal government from violating our freedoms, whether that is warrantless spying or incursions on states’ rights regarding other issues.

The national debt has surpassed $20 trillion. In Congress, Eric Brakey’s first priority will be to rein in the overspending that Washington passes on to Maine taxpayers.

Angus King represents the stale and rudderless career politician establishment, not the Maine people. A vote for Eric Brakey is a vote for a much-needed breath of fresh air and honest government. I strongly encourage voters to research Eric Brakey – he truly is running with every Mainer’s interest at heart.

Wyatt Colby


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