I’m struck by the callousness of LePage, Fredette and Thibodeau in touting a fiscal surplus that came at the cost of dead children, increased public health risk, an unchecked opioid crisis and the economic health of our rural hospitals. We should be proud of this?

The purpose of state government is not to stash an inordinate amount of money in a rainy day fund while the basic needs of Maine residents are neglected. That’s cruel and fiscally shortsighted, as those unmet needs will only lead to more costly problems later.

Even the Maine constitution speaks of our inalienable rights, including “enjoying and defending life and liberty … pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.”

How many folks died during the LePage administration because he refused to expand MaineCare, saddling our hospitals with unfunded “charity care” and turning his back on hundreds of millions of federal monies that now flow to other states to bolster their work force’s health.

How many newborns failed to get the best start in life because of the dangerous shortage of public health nurses?

They brag about a surplus knowing more Maine children now go to bed hungry and live in deep poverty than when they came to office.


All the evidence suggests that this administration simply doesn’t care about those in need. “There, but by the grace of God” never crossed their minds.

And Shawn Moody promises to continue down this same fiscally short-sighted and inhumane path if he’s elected governor.

Exactly how are all these hate-filled policies helping our state thrive?

Mary Ann Larson


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