FALMOUTH — Falmouth voters will vote June 12 on a proposed $36.9 million school budget.

The school budget represents a spending increase of just over 3 percent from the current year, for a 72-cent increase in the tax rate on the school side, according to figures provided by the School Department.

The Town Council has unanimously approved a $12.8 million municipal budget, including the county tax assessment.

If the school budget is approved, residents will see an 85 cent increase in the town’s tax rate, for a new tax rate of $16.47 per $1,000 of valuation. The owner of a home assessed at $200,000 would see an increase of $170 in the annual tax bill.

The proposed school budget includes five new positions, including a guidance counselor at the elementary school and a computer science teacher at the middle school. The budget would also cover the cost of a school psychologist who had previously been paid for with federal grant money.

Also on June 12, residents will elect two candidates running unopposed for open seats on the School Board.

Current School Board member Dee Conroy-Vella is term-limited from running for re-election and Cindy Han chose not to seek re-election.

Replacing them are Nicole Bezanson and Whitney Bruce.

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