In today’s society, people expect children and young adults to attend school, study hard and educate themselves to become our future workforce, community and state leaders, but many adults don’t take the time to study and educate themselves on who will be running for public office.

We will be electing a new governor this fall. Please take the time to go vote this year. Educate yourself and do your homework. Do it for our children’s and grandchildren’s futures, regardless of your party affiliation.

I have done my homework, studied and listened to the debates of the Democratic candidates who are running in the June 12 primary for governor.

I support Janet Mills because she exemplifies the Maine state motto “Dirigo”: “I lead.”

Janet Mills started working delivering newspapers and working in a diner. She attended college and became an attorney. She ran for district attorney for Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin counties, winning and breaking the “glass ceiling” by becoming the first woman district attorney in New England.

Mills also served four terms in the Maine Legislature and on the Appropriations Committee, where it is mandatory to have a balanced budget, as required by our state constitution. Compromise is how to get things done to be successful. In 2009, Mills became the first woman to serve as Maine’s attorney general. I was honored to be at the swearing-in ceremony to watch history being made.


Mills has common-sense plans to expand health care, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and create livable-wage jobs.

After doing your homework and educating yourself about all the candidates running for governor in the June 12 Democratic primary, you will conclude that Janet Mills is the best-qualified candidate to be elected our next governor in November. Please vote.

Diane Grandmaison


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