HOT DOGS: To us, a ballpark frank is the near perfect food at a stadium. You can condiment it (that’s a verb, right?) any way you want (except ketchup, unless you’re under 10); it’s easy to eat while juggling a beer, a program, a couple of kids and whatever else you’ve picked up; it fills you up enough while still leaving room for other food; and there’s something perfectly nostalgic about it for those of us who grew up around Little League games, grills and late summer baseball.

CORN DOGS: The corn dog deserves its own special call-out. Every ballpark that serves these makes them well. It is the ultimate in portable, eat-over-your-lap food. It pairs well with whatever you’re drinking (beer, you’re drinking beer). And every time I bite into a corn dog (even when I’m not at a game) I can hear the roar of the baseball crowd.

FRENCH FRIES: We are generally classicists when it comes to ballpark food, as in we like to eat what’s on offer and not go to crazy with the modifications. That said, there is no shame in getting a couple sides of nacho cheese and pouring them all over some french fries. It’s about as DIY as we’ll get at a ballpark, but the saltiness in the fries cuts through the fat in the cheese and you can finish whatever fries don’t see cheese with a little ketchup.

BEER: There really is something special about sitting in the ballpark, watching your baseball team and sipping a beer. We’re not terribly picky about what beer, as long as it’s cold. I’m always thrilled to see some strong local options at ballparks like Hadlock, but we will just as often go for a cold domestic pint (Bud Heavy). Face it, the beer comes in plastic cups, you’ll take a few ounces off of the cup before you make it to your seat, just because you don’t want to spill the full-to-the-brim cup and you’ve got better things to focus your energy on, like the ballgame!

SEA DOG BISCUITS: These seem to be a staple across minor league ballparks. I grew up with them going to games in Burlington, Vermont, and I recall seeing them in minor league stadiums across the country, from Alabama to Oregon. They are a great finish to a ballpark meal, where sometime around the sixth or seventh inning your attention and energy starts to flag. They’re always frozen solid, so it’s best to walk back to your seat and let the next inning start before unwrapping them, but once you get that hit of ice cream and frozen chocolate-chip cookie, you have enough energy to watch your team close out the final innings and make it home.

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