Like most Mainers, I had considered Sen. Susan Collins a straightforward person – someone who tells it like it is. So, I was surprised to see her April 8 commentary blaming Democrats and the media for her own failure to pass the two health insurance bills that she promised us she would.

It’s pretty simple: Sen. Collins voted for the tax bill even though she knew it would lead to an increase in the cost of health insurance. But she assured us, at the time, that she had commitments to pass bills that would mitigate the damage she was creating with her vote. She repeatedly stressed that the bills would pass, even amid criticism, saying, essentially, “Let’s wait and see.”

Well, we did, and they didn’t pass. She didn’t deliver, despite all her promises from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Vice President Pence and President Trump.

But now she has the audacity to point the finger of blame at the media and Democrats? That just doesn’t pass the straight-face test. Democrats never asked for any of this. They didn’t vote for the tax bill because they knew it prioritized the rich over the middle class and because they knew it would gut the Affordable Care Act and lead to premium increases. You can’t blame Democrats, Senator, when you voted to create this mess.

The bottom line here is that Sen. Collins is unfairly criticizing others for her failure to deliver on what she promised. If she wants to blame anyone, she should look in the mirror. I know I’ll be blaming her and 2nd District Rep. Bruce Poliquin when health insurance premiums go up.

Dena Riegel


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