I have watched with increasing dismay the negative trajectory of political dialogue in our country as it becomes ever more destructive with each passing day. I am old enough to remember when political parties observed some standards of decency in their campaign rhetoric. Starting this November, I want to see a return to civil discourse and a healthy process of public policy making based upon facts. I am not alone. Many people I know have had enough of this divisiveness.

For this reason I invite the voters of Senate District 30 (Gorham, part of Scarborough and part of Buxton) to look carefully at the Democratic primary candidacy of Dr. Linda Sanborn.

She spent her career as a family doctor serving Gorham and surrounding communities. The next session of the Legislature will face critical health care decisions. The policies adopted in Augusta will have an effect on us all, and I believe a person who has practiced medicine and cared for families for 25 years is best qualified to represent us in the Maine Senate.

Dr. Sanborn will also be a strong voice for our schools, day care centers and Main Street businesses. I am proud to support a candidate who is running a Clean Election campaign, who treats all people with courtesy and respect and who brings dignity back to a badly tarnished political process.

Thomas Pryor


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