My wife and I fell in love with Wiscasset and the people who call it home – enough to purchase a property on Main Street. We have become fervent supporters and promoters of the community and only want the best for the town in the future.

The proposed Maine Department of Transportation project will provide:

Much-needed revitalization of the crumbling Main Street sidewalks.

Some impact on the traffic flow through Main Street – maybe not a perfect solution, but anything will help.

Great improvement of the overall visual appeal of the Main Street area, which will lead to attracting passers-by to stop, park and shop.

A basis for becoming more of a true destination in the future and not a place that people simply pass through.


I look forward to the day when I don’t have to circle the block several times while fighting traffic and hoping for a parking spot to open, and instead can stroll on the new sidewalks, stopping at Treats for a coffee, before I check out Moulinette, Birch, Wiscasset Bay Gallery, Trifles and Rendall, and visit with all the people who drew us to this town in the first place.

Instead of funding the opposition lawsuit, why not embrace the project and put the money and effort you’re spending on this lawsuit into restoring other infrastructure? We should all be working toward impactful improvements to this historic town, of which we are all lucky enough to be the current stewards!

We are directly invested in the future of Wiscasset and believe that a “no” vote April 17, to stop the wasteful lawsuit, is the best choice for ensuring that Wiscasset remains the “prettiest village in Maine”!

Bradbury Ketelhut


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