Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke manage the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior, respectively. These agencies depend on scientific research in areas that affect the lives of the public. This includes safe water and air, and standards for toxic substances like lead and other metals. This research is shared with, and monitored by, other agencies in the United States and the world.

The present administration is not interested in protecting the public – their primary interest is in enriching industry. Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke have done their best to dismantle the agencies they lead. They have attacked researchers by limiting the ability of dedicated people to continue their work. Scientists who work in research have been relocated to positions that have nothing to do with their area of expertise. Many have chosen to retire or left their positions and we, the public, are the losers.

This administration has cut funds that provide for research and passed laws that limit communication between agencies. We the citizens of this country are losing the protections we need to live healthy lives.

Mainers care about the environment, and believe in science. We must do everything possible to pressure our congressional delegation, including Sen. Susan Collins, to protect funding for the EPA and scientific research that benefits Maine and the country. We must look to the future, and consider quality of life over corporate profits.

Nancy L. Gilbert


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