Ranked-choice voting is a fraud. All the Democrat stories of it being fairer and an improvement over how we have elected candidates for almost 242 years are lies. Simply put, ranked-choice voting favors the majority party in a state.

The Democrats came up with ranked-choice voting after losing two elections to Paul LePage. In the last election, Gov. LePage received 48 percent of the vote. If ranked-choice voting had been in effect, the lamentable, incompetent, Mike Michaud would be our governor.

The scheme is to run multiple candidates and the Democrat majority will always overwhelm the Republican minority. It’s as simple as that. And then there is the mischief that can be done with computer programs doing multiple counts.

So, rather than ranked-choice voting being a better system, it skews any election in favor of the majority party. Democrats have been lying about it all this time.

There have been literally dozens of letters to the editor praising ranked-choice voting. Many of the writers apparently genuinely believe the Democrat that it is an improvement. These well-meaning people are “useful idiots,” to use a phrase wrongly attributed to Vladimir Lenin. They are “propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause,” to quote columnist and author Joseph Schaller.

Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap is rushing to implement ranked-choice voting for the June primaries even though he knows it is unconstitutional, based on an advisory opinion of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. I urge someone with some money to sue and obtain a restraining order to prevent ranked-choice voting now and forever.

Harry White


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