If you believe that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are programs that need to be expanded, I want to tell you that Rep. Bruce Poliquin voted in favor of the Republican tax bill, Public Law No. 115-97.

This plan will give trillions in tax breaks to wealthy Americans (like himself) and big corporations and will automatically trigger $25 billion in cuts to Medicare annually. Over 300,000 Maine seniors access health care through Medicare. That is nearly a quarter of our state’s population, and Rep. Poliquin voted to cut their health care so he could get a tax break.

If you want gun law reform aimed at preventing our children from killing each other, you should know that last year, Rep. Poliquin voted in favor of H.J. Res. 40, a bill that relaxed background checks for gun sales. The bill was signed into Public Law No. 115-8 by President Trump one year ago, on Feb. 28, 2017.

Maybe this bill wouldn’t have prevented the tragedy in Florida. I don’t know. However, I’m looking at the fact that in the first seven weeks of this year alone, there have been eight shootings in our public schools. Our children are murdering each other. I believe that we have a responsibility to stop this. Unfortunately, Rep. Poliquin has made it clear in his voting record that he does not agree.

I urge those living in the 2nd Congressional District to send Rep. Poliquin their thoughts and prayers this November, but not their votes.

Carin Dunay

South Portland

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