PARIS — The Oxford County Democratic Committee will caucus Jan. 14 to select names to submit to Gov. Paul LePage for consideration to replace Wayne Gallant as sheriff.

Gallant resigned Dec. 6 amid allegations that he sexually harassed members of his department.

At the time, Oxford County Commissioner David Duguay said all nominees must come from the Democratic Party because Gallant won the sheriff’s seat as a Democratic candidate and there is a mandate to maintain the consistency of that party in office, matching voters’ will.

Duguay said it was his understanding that “the governor doesn’t necessarily need to accept any of the names that the Oxford County Democrats submit, he can put anyone in that slot. But it has to be a Democrat.”

The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 17 East Main St. Only members of the Oxford County Democratic Committee can participate.

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